
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

Here’s Why Current Gold Rise May Be Bad for Bitcoin

  Head of SchiffGold fund and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, vocal Bitcoin hater Peter Schiff, has taken to Twitter to share that the current rise of the gold price is bad news for Bitcoin.To get more news about  SNX , you can visit wikibit.com official website.   “Rising gold is bad news for Bitcoin”   Schiff's son Spencer, who is a Bitcoiner unlike his father, stated that the precious metal has added merely 2%, but that did not convince his crypto-skeptical father.   Schiff tweeted that gold has finally taken off after worse than expected data on inflation had been released. Bad news on inflation is good news for gold, he stated, adding that this rally is likely to be sustainable and has a long way to go.   The gold bug also claimed that gold's rise is bad news for Bitcoin since, if real gold is going up, then “there's no need for a cheap imitation. Last week, Peter Schiff also tweeted about the current hot trend in crypto—the Shiba Inu (SHIB) MEME cryptocurrency.   In the

Bitcoin Futures Premium Shoots 3x Amid Strong Rumors

  The rumors of the first Bitcoin ETF approval linked to Bitcoin futuresare gaining strength adding more fuel to the BTC price surge. Thus, ahead of the SEC approval, the Bitcoin futures premium has tripled this month.To get more news about  BSV , you can visit wikibit.com official website. On Thursday, October 14, the open interest (OI) for Bitcoin futures touched a record high on CME. As per the data by Bybt, the total BTC futures open interest is currently at 21.77 billion. While on the other hand, the BTC futures OI on CME has touched an 8-month high at $3.32 billion. The open interest on CME is even more than when Bitcoin was trading at $65,000 levels.   The rising open interest and premium for BTC futures suggest more money coming into the market. It means that more investors are willing to seek exposure to the worlds largest cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the rising OI in Bitcoin futures also suggests that more institutional money is coming into the market.   Sources: Bitcoin Futu

นำทีมเรียกร้องแก้กฎหมาย Forex จบวงจรประชาชนถูกหลอกลวงซ้ำ ๆ

  สามารถ เจนชัยจิตวนิช อดีตรัฐมนตรีช่วยว่าการกระทรวงยุติธรรม ในฐานะประธานต่อต้านแชร์ลูกโซ่แห่งประเทศไทย ได้โพสต์ Facebook ส่วนตัว ระบุถึงปัญหาเกี่ยวกับการหลอกลวง Forex ซึ่งตนได้แสดงความคิดเห็นหลายครั้งว่าอัตราการหลอกลวงมีมากและขอเรียกร้องให้มีข้อกฎหมายออกมาจัดการอย่างจริงจัง ซึ่งหากเป็นไปได้จริง เหล่าโบรกเกอร์ Forex ไทย IB กองทุนเถื่อน อาจตกที่นั่งลำบาก.To get more news about   FBS , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   อดีต รมต. กล่าวว่า ตรงนี้มีกฎหมายในการจัดกุมอย่างชัดเจนแต่ขาดเจ้าภาพในการทำ ในข้อกฎหมายพระราชกำหนดที่เป็นการกู้ยืมเงินที่เป็นการฉ้อโกงประชาชนใน มาตรา.4 ก็ระบุไว้ชัดเจน ผมขอหยิบยกมาตรา 4 วางหลักไว้ว่า   “ผู้ใดโฆษณาหรือประกาศให้ปรากฏต่อประชาชนหรือกระทำด้วยประการใด ๆ ให้ปรากฏแก่บุคคลตั้งแต่สิบคนขึ้นไปว่า ในการกู้ยืมเงินตนหรือบุคคลใดจะจ่ายหรืออาจจ่ายผลประโยชน์ตอบแทนให้ตามพฤติการณ์แห่งการกู้ยืมเงินในอัตราที่สูงกว่าอัตราดอกเบี้ยสูงสุดที่สถาบันการเงินตามกฎหมายว่าด้วยดอกเบี้ยเงินให้กู้ยืมของสถาบันการเงินจะพึงจ่ายได้ โดยที่ตนรู้หรือควรรู้อยู่แล้วว่าตนหรือบุคคลนั้นจะนำเงิ


  如今短影片和直播已經成為了受人追捧的兩種娛樂方式,想必大家都很熟悉。 而今天天眼君重點說一說直播,隨著直播的熱潮越演越烈,各種行業管道都開始轉戰視頻直播,其中就包括金融理財行業,然而從一些天眼君接收到的投訴來看,很多不法分子同樣盯上了直播這樣的平臺.To get more news about   maverickfx review , you can visit wikifx.com official website. 受到薦股騙局詐騙的吳小姐怎麼也沒想到,自己平時就愛看看炒股的直播,最後怎麼被誘導至虛假的外匯平臺TIX,最終導致自己被騙3萬美金。   騙局的開始:誤入炒股影片直播   在今年8月中旬,吳小姐接到了一個陌生電話,對面是個聲音甜美的女孩子,電話中誠邀女士加入一個炒股群,在群裡有專業的炒股專業,會在每天直播講解股票,且完全不會收取任何費用。   正值股票大熱的時期,吳小姐本來對股市就躍躍欲試,便抱著試試的態度添加了客服的微信,隨後就被拉入了股票群。 正如客服所說,群裡一天有三場直播,分別是早上開盤、下午開盤以及晚上七點半三個時間段。 在直播室里,經常有4個股票老師輪流上課講解,並且會推薦股票,有一次老師推薦了一支收益達到30%的股票,讓吳女士對老師的信任倍增。   不過沒多久,老師就經常帶著直播間的所有學員進行操盤演練,說是之後可以跟某大機構打成協議進行千人坐莊。 但是隨後這個協定沒談成,老師又開始鼓勵學員在國慶前買股票進行鎖籌,這樣重組之後就可以獲得三倍的收益。 但是這個計劃需要資金,老師看這些學員的錢籌不夠,就開始忽悠大家利用其他的投資方式來賺取資金。   而其他的投資方式就是炒外匯,幾位老師開始輪番鼓動大家去外匯平臺TIX開戶入金。 只要沒有去開戶的學員,都被踢出了直播間。 迫於壓力以及想要賺錢的慾望,吳女士同樣在TIX註冊了個人帳號,並跟隨著老師的指導進行操作。   9月22日,吳女士在平臺TIX申請出金,本來說好的到帳時間為T+1,等到了25日也沒有收到提現。 詢問平臺的客服無人回應,再詢問老師的助理僅得到一句“幫你問一下”回答,之後再也沒有任何回應。 在外匯天眼上查詢,TIX天眼評分1.00分,當前暫無任何實際有效監管的監管資訊,存在巨大的風險,建議投資者遠離。   嘗試打開TIX的官網,發現仍在使用中,投資者一定要注意警惕。 在數據安

el IPC y las actas de la Fed fijan las expectativas de tapering

  El dólar pierde posiciones frente a las divisas de alto rendimiento, aunque avanza frente al yen al comienzo de la jornada de negociación de este jueves en Europa, mientras el mercado asimila las implicaciones de los datos de inflación de Estados Unidos del miércoles, que resultaron mejores de lo esperado.To get more news about  tickmill , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   A las 9:00 horas (CET), el índice dólar, que sigue la evolución de esta moneda con respecto a una cesta de otras seis divisas principales, desciende un 0,1% hasta 93,995, situándose por debajo de 94 por primera vez esta semana, mientras que la libra esterlina y los dólares canadiense, australiano y neozelandés ganan terreno.   Las únicas ganancias destacables del dólar han sido con respecto al yen, frente al que subió otro 0,3%, hasta 113,53, respaldado por las expectativas cada vez mayores de una ampliación del margen de los tipos de interés con respecto a los de Japón.   La tasa de inflación de Estados

FINSA INVESTMENT LIMITED внесена в черный список!

  Теперь более подробно рассмотрим причины, по которым компания пополнила рейтинг черных брокеров WikiFX.To get more news about  videforex , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   Согласно данным, представленным на сайте, деятельность компании регулируется британским регулятором. Однако найти реальных тому подтверждений в официальных реестрах не удалось. Кроме того, домен сайта был запущен только в 2021 году, а не в 2013 году, как упоминается на сайте.   Учитывая то, что компания работает менее года и на самом деле не имеет лицензии государственных регуляторов, то заявления о ее надежности безосновательны.   Обратите внимание, если вы новичок в сфере форекс торговли, выбор брокера играет очень важную роль в трейдинге, в связи с этим перед началом торговли на форекс, в обязательном порядке просмотрите наш «черный список» брокеров. Возможно, выбранная вами компания уже имеет черную метку.

Massive Protests from MBA Forex Firm Victims Arise in South African City

  Angered people are threatening to dump corpses of victims who have died from frustration over the alleged fraud.To get more news about  aafx/WikiFX Verification , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   The turmoil around the victims of the failed South African forex trading firm MBA has increased, with people actively asking for their investment to be returned. Local media outlet Punch reported protests of groups of people threatening to ‘dump the corpse’ of any investor that dies from frustration over the collapse of the alleged fraudulent scheme.   People are spotted around the palace of the Paramount Ruler of the Elekahia community, who are protesting against Maxwell Odum, CEO of the firm, who is accused of defrauding Nigerians of billions of Naira. Christian Agadaga, one of the leaders of the protests, told media outlets that theyre seeking to summon the owner of MBA Forex Trading and Capital Investment Limited.   “We also use this opportunity to call on the President of th

What Trading Style Best Suits Your Personality?

  Trading style often correlates with the personality of the trader. It is important to reflect internally on personality and lifestyle before choosing a trading strategy and creating a trading plan. This is because using a trading style contrary to your personality will lead to difficulties down the road in sticking to your trading plan.When a trader finds the trading style that suits them best; the style generally endures long term. A trader who isnt comfortable with a trading style or has not found a home in a specific trading style is the one who most often makes the most common trading mistakes.To get more news about  Forex.com , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   TRADING STYLES FOR HIGHLY-ORGANIZED INDIVIDUALS SHORT ON TIME   Strategies to consider:   Swing Trading- Swing trades are considered medium-term as positions are generally held anywhere between a few hours to a few days. The time investment is minimal which is suitable for traders short on time. Orders to open


  前半記事では、酒田五法の基本知識について解説しました。世界でも知られているチャート分析の発祥は日本だったのです。ヘッドアンドショルダーやトリプルトップなどのチャートフォーメーションも、日本が発祥でした。To get more news about  酒田五法 , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   日本は、世界でも有数の投資先進国だったのです。何だか少し嬉しい気がします。   酒田五法の基本知識や覚えておきたいローソク足の形などについては、以下の記事で詳しく解説をしています。   関連記事   酒田五法って何?   プライスアクションの原点となったローソク足分析【基本編】   (https://cutt.ly/wikifxnews1002-2)   さて、今回は、酒田五法を使った実際のトレード手法を解説していきたいと思います。酒田五法は「プライスアクション」なので、スキャルピングトレーダーにおすすめです。もちろん、スイングトレードでも利用できます。   気になるポイント!TOP3   酒田五法はどの時間足でも活用できる?   酒田五法を活用したトレードの実際例は?   酒田五法を利用してトレードの勝率を高くするには?   酒田五法だけでなく移動平均線や水平線など様々なテクニカル分析を組み合わせることがポイントです。サラリーマントレーダーの方や主婦の方でも、酒田五法を利用すれば、昼間や夜の空いている時間を狙って勝率の高いスキャルピングの考え方が理解できるようになります。    1.酒田五法はプライスアクションの原点【準備編】   この章では、酒田五法とプライスアクションの関係について解説をしていきます。    1-1 プライスアクションって何?   プライスアクションという言葉を聞いたことがあると思います。プライスアクション(Price Action)とは、価格の動きを分析してトレードする古典的な分析手法です。欧米のトレーダーに愛用されている手法ですね。   酒田五法は、プライスアクションの原点と言えます。   相場の状況を最も早く反映するのは「価格」です。つまり、「ローソク足」の形に反映されます。ボリンジャーバンドや移動平均線などは、どうしても遅れて反応します。そのため、エントリー‧決済の判断が遅れてしまうこ

Ri Dan Jepang Perpanjang Perjanjian Bilateral SWAP

  Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Bank Sentral Jepang (Bank of Japan) telah menandatangani perjanjian perpanjangan kerja sama Bilateral Swap Arrangement (BSA).To get more news about  videforex , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   Asal tahu saja, BSA Indonesia dan Jepang adalah sebuah perjanjian bilateral pertukaran mata uang antara kedua negara dalam bentuk swap antara Indonesia rupiah dengan dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) dan/atau Yen Jepang. Kerja sama ini juga sebagai opsi bantalan kedua (second line of defense) dalam menjaga ketahanan eksternal.   “Sebagaimana perjanjian sebelumnya, kerja sama ini memungkinkan Indonesia untuk melakukan swap dengan nilai fasilitas swap sampai dengan US$ 22,76 miliar atau nilai yang setara dalam Yen Jepang,” ujar Kepala Grup Departemen Komunikasi BI Muhamad Nur dalam keterangannya, Kamis (14/10).   Kesepakatan ini berlaku efektif per hari ini, atau per 14 Oktober 2021. Perpanjangan kerja sama BSA Indonesia - Jepang juga sekaligus memerhatikan keselara


  WikiFX sẽ cùng các bạn tìm hiểu, đồng thời phân biệt 3 thuật ngữ phổ biến nhất trong thị trường ngoại hối đó là Balance, Equity và Free Margin.To get more news about  kiến thức forex căn bản , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   1. Balance là gì?   Đơn giản đây là số dư ban đầu trong tài khoản của bạn. Để bắt đầu giao dịch Forex, bạn cần mở một tài khoản giao dịch và nạp một số tiền vào tài khoản của bạn.   Nếu bạn nạp vào số tiền 1000$, thì Balance của bạn là 1000$. Số dư này là số tiền tối đa mà bạn có thể mất.   BALANCE = SỐ DƯ BAN ĐẦU   Nếu bạn tham gia một giao dịch mới, thì balance tài khoản của bạn sẽ không bị ảnh hưởng cho đến khi lệnh giao dịch được ĐÓNG.   Điều này có nghĩa là Balance của bạn sẽ chỉ thay đổi theo một trong các cách:   • Khi bạn nạp thêm tiền vào tài khoản của bạn.   • Khi bạn đóng một lệnh giao dịch. 2. Equity là gì?   Equity được hiểu là Vốn chủ sở hữu hoặc vốn thực có – giá trị hiện tại của tài khoản giao dịch của bạn.   Vốn thực có (Equity) là t

Natural Gas Holds Key Technical Support

  Natural gas prices continue to climb as market participants grow weary of low stockpiles ahead of the winter season. Global energy prices have soared of late, with large supply shortages now threatening the post-pandemic economic recovery. Major factories have been forced to close across Europe as rising energy costs have reduced the ability to produce products profitably. Rising gas prices have caught the attention of the White House, with top officials meeting to discuss solutions to alleviate domestic price pressures.To get more news about   exness , you can visit wikifx.com official website.   A US government report Thursday showed natural gas inventories posted a smaller-than-expected gain, further stoking fears of a widespread shortage over the winter months. For the week ending 10/8, inventories grew by 81 billion cubic feet (Bcf), short of the median Bloomberg estimate of 94 Bcf. The current month futures contract reached an intraday high of $5.964 per million British thermal

USD/JPY Hold Firm To A Bullish Trading Bias Throughout Q4

  In accordance with the recent happenings that took place in the global currency market last week, the safe-haven currency (DOLLAR) was able to have a positive return in spite of the mumbo-jumbo the market was faced with. While the bulk of several market participants' attention was focused on the non-farm payroll that was released on Friday, still the “ninja pair” had a bullish trading appearance all through the first week of October. From the US economy updates and market releases, it was labelled that a modest report was fetched from every angle of the US financial statements. A recap of last week's trading session for the major currency pairs: saw a fraction of the major pairs which were able to close on a bearish note with others closing on a positive record. GBP/USD opened at 1.3412 and closed the week at 1.36114 with a bullish long-legged Doji candlestick pattern, AUD/USD opened at 0.72233 and closed at 0.73052, EUR/USD opened at 1.16165, closed 1.15711, USD/CHF printed

Davinci DC100: Know the electric bike that balances itself

 Davinci DC100: Know the electric bike that balances itself The new Davinci DC100 is that ideal bike for those looking for unique, easy-to-ride experiences, and still ensures comfort and security.To get more news about davincitech , you can visit davincimotor.com official website. Recently, Chinese startup Davince Tech has revealed this new model, which is practically a mobile robot, which has super advanced sensors that can track various information such as lean angle, speed and acceleration, ambient temperature, load, type of terrain and other motorcycle differences. All these data that the new Davinci DC100 manages to obtain, are used to accurately calibrate as its power, which is provided to ensure legal performance in all situations. According to the manufacturer's brand, the bike is 0 to 100 km/h in less than four seconds, has maximum speed of 200 km/h and 400-km autonomy in the NEDC cycle. In addition, it has 135 cv power, peak 850 Nm torque. All these numbers can be imp

Meet the electric bike Davinci Tech DC100

 Meet the electric bike Davinci Tech DC100 Davinci Tech is a Chinese startup that emerged in 2013, with the mission of creating real pleasure for the world. On this month's 17 day, she revealed her first electric bike, the DC100.To get more news about xxx, you can visit davincimotor.com official website.To get more news about davinci , you can visit davincimotor.com official website. DC100 is a futuristic racer cafe, a motorcycle focused on acceleration, speed and autonomy. According to the company, the bike is 0 to 100 kilometers/h in less than four seconds, with maximum speed of 200 km/h and 400-mile autonomy in the NEDC cycle. With 135-cv power, 850-meter torque and battery power with full recharge capacity in thirty minutes, the bike has impressive numbers. The bike has integrated ABS, CBS and traction control, has reverse function and ramp assistant. The smartphone will act as control panel and key to the bike. Along with the DC100, the DC Classic was revealed, a motorbike

Why you shouldn’t wear coloured contact lenses this Halloween

  There’s nothing like Halloween to allow yourself to explore the depths of fantasy and concoct a truly creative costume. But think twice before you add coloured non-prescription contact lenses to your get-up.To get more news about   colored contacts prescription , you can visit beauon.com official website. They could cause a host of issues, including corneal infections, conjunctivitis (pink eye) and even blindness. In 2011, Health Canada lobbied to amend the Food & Drug Act to classify cosmetic contact lenses as class II medical devices; the new regulation was passed and came into effect in July 2016. This means they need to be prescribed and sold through a medical distributor. So, if you come across coloured contact lenses at a novelty shop or drugstore, don’t buy them.To get more news about  colored contacts non prescription , you can visit beauon.com official website. Take it from Julian Hamlin, a 25-year-old from South Carolina, who says that after two years of regularly weari

Diablo II: Resurrected Plagued By Login Issues

 Diablo II: Resurrected Plagued By Login Issues For the past six days, Diablo II: Resurrected players in the United States, Asia, and the United Kingdom have experienced intermittent difficulties when attempting to log in to the game’s online servers. Now, some are taking to social media to demand refunds.To get more news about Buy Diablo 2 Gold , you can visit lootwowgold official website. According to Blizzard’s customer support Twitter account, the outages may be due to an issue affecting the game’s authentication servers, which can lead to players experiencing either “failed” or “slow” login attempts. These server issues began after Blizzard patched the Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch versions of the game on October 6. The patch appeared to be routine fare, addressing issues like player profiles not being able to share names with online characters they created, and players not being notified when the game linked to their Xbox Live accounts. One fix made it so that players

World of Warcraft: Fan Creates Azeroth-Style World Maps Out of Real Locations

 World of Warcraft: Fan Creates Azeroth-Style World Maps Out of Real Locations After fifteen years and eight expansion packs, it is safe to say World of Warcraft has an iconic and recognizable style, especially in its many world and region maps. Redditor ConservationOfWumbo has taken that recognizable style and has been using it to recreate the United States of America as if it were another region in Azeroth.To get more news about wow gold pay pal , you can visit lootwowgold official website. ConservationOfWumbo first showed off his state maps in the World of Warcraft style back in July of this year. Since then, they have been cranking out map after map. In just a few months, they've already completed almost a third of the United States, including some of the largest states. The first batch of maps included Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland, and their second update included maps of New York, New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Most re

Everything You Get With A WoW Subscription

  Everything You Get With A WoW Subscription Previously World of Warcraft players had to own the base game and also purchase external expansion packs, but now Blizzard does things differently.To get more news about  safely buy wow gold , you can visit lootwowgold official website. World of Warcraft is often the first name that comes to mind when players think of MMO (massively multiplayer online) games. Originally released by Blizzard Entertainment in 2004, WoW has seen more than its fair share of players over the years, with some sources detailing World of Warcraft having over 4 million players daily, and even reaching 12 millions active subscribers in 2010 with the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. WoW‘s subscription format is especially attractive to new players, being a semi-free-to-play game at first with a significant amount of freedom, without the immediate need to fork over money to experience World of Warcraft’s gameplay. However, WoW is not completely free, and players

The 7 Biggest Innovations in Jewelry Design

  The 7 Biggest Innovations in Jewelry Design On April 23, 2021, the New York Times reported the extent to which the pandemic has hastened the adoption and development of new production technologies in the jewelry industry. Without question, innovation is just as important in this industry as it is in any other—and it’s finally getting some attention.To get more news about  designer jewelry website , you can visit jewelryhunt.net official website. While there has been quite a bit of resistance to technological innovation amongst some jewelers and jewelry producers, this has rapidly begun to change. Jewelry innovations are attracting more attention than perhaps ever before. We’ll take a look at some brands and jewelry lines that center on a unique design using advanced technology. Additionally, you will learn about specific technology types and equipment that are increasingly being used in the industry. 1. 3D Printing Technology 3D printing is one of the most exciting new technologies i

The Best Jewelry Designer You’ve Never Heard Of

  The Best Jewelry Designer You’ve Never Heard Of From the archives, originally published on May 31, 2016—For just over ten years Hanut Singh has flown under the radar, quietly and meticulously designing jewelry that at once reveals his modern sensibility, appreciation of history and obsession with craftsmanship. The personal touch he applied to his creations extended to the way he presented them for a decade, exclusively at private trunk shows and by-appointment only boutiques. From these intimate presentations a word-of-mouth buzz spread about Hanut’s talent. Over time he gained a Who’s Who list of clients including Beyoncé, Lauren Santo Domingo, Diane von Furstenberg, Mary-Kate Olsen, Wendi Deng Murdoch, Madonna and Tory Burch. Outside these rarefied circles, the only other way to discover the jewelry might be a piece of press here and there, a social media mention or a glimpse of something on the designer’s magical Instagram. Today his jewelry can be found upon occasion in Moda Ope