What is commercial ply?
What is commercial ply? Commercial plywood in simple terms is the basic or standard plywood available. Commercial plywood is also termed as MR grade plywood. MR stand for moisture resistant. Do not confuse MR with waterproof. Moisture resistant means the plywood can withstand some amount of moisture, humidity and dampness.To get more news about commercial plywood , you can visit boosterplywood.com official website. Plywood (be it any grade or type) is typically made by gluing several veneer sheets together. The veneers sheets are manufactured from logs of wood obtained from different tree species. You therefore will find every commercial plywood made from different species of veneer. The veneer species varies with geographical location like you will have Rubber plywood coming from South of India, similarly you have different veneer species from North, East and West oh India. Though Commercial plywood’s are made from different veneer species, the basic properties of commercial plywood