Which World Of Warcraft NPC Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

 Which World Of Warcraft NPC Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Gamers have been exploring the land of Azeroth for decades, ever since the first real-time strategy game was released in the 1990s. Many of the same characters still reside in the World of Warcraft, and they're an essential part of the ongoing story and past lore.To get more news about wow gold classic for sale, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

World of Warcraft has become a pop culture icon, so even if someone doesn't play the game, they would be familiar with some of these characters. Their distinct personalities and traits are what keeps the World of Warcraft lore machine humming. Without further ado, here are a few of the characters that match up to Western zodiac signs, giving some insight into player favorites, heroes, and villains.

Aquarius - Jaina Proudmoore

The Aquarius person is fiercely independent and uncompromising, often taking on a leadership role in times of crisis. However, they also tend to be cold and aloof, retreating from emotional connections. That pretty much describes Jaina Proudmoore perfectly, so this is the Warcraft NPC for those born in Aquarius. She currently resides on Theramore Isle, in the ancestral home of her family.

Pisces - Tyrande Whisperwind

The gentle, wise Pisces person shuns grandstanding and despises cruelty. Normally a quiet person, they can become a serious force to be reckoned with when challenged. Tyrande Whisperwind is an interesting parallel to this sign. She was always a leader among her people but became more than that when she and her partner, Malfurion, stopped Queen Azshara's reign of terror. She can still be found in the Night Elf cital city, Darnassus.

Aries - Arthas Menethil

Arthas is one of the more interesting and tragic characters in the Azerothian NPC pantheon. He's similar to an Aries person, with his determination and compassion driving his actions when the story begins.

However, as it sometimes happens with Aries, he was overwhelmed by his more aggressive impulses and became a symbol of death and betrayal. You can play Arthas in earlier RTS games, but he reappeared as an NPC in WoW as the Lich King in the third expansion.

Taurus - Malfurion Stormrage

Dependable, honest, and shunning the spotlight, Mulfurion Stormrage and the Taurus person have a lot in common. Tyrande was able to depend on his strength during the War of the Ancients, and a Pisces woman and Tauran man are an ideal match. He also introduced Druidism to the Night Elf people, an example of how a Taurus works for the greater good of everyone. You can find him with his partner in Darnassus or locations such as Mount Hyjal.





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